Handan Black Cat held a special meeting on “resolutely, thoroughly and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case and continuously build a clean atmosphere and a healthy political ecology”.

2020-12-22 11:33 loading...

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of relevant documents of the Group and Headquarters on “resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case”, enhance the political literacy of Party members and cadres, and create a good political atmosphere for enterprises, on the morning of October 26, Handan Black Cat held a special life meeting on “resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case, and continuously build a clean atmosphere and a healthy political ecology”. Xiao Hugen, general manager of Handan Black Cat, attended the meeting.

Leaders of the company attach great importance to the organization of the life meeting. They have made full preparations for the meeting by formulating detailed plans, requiring Party members and cadres to learn the relevant information of the Surong case by themselves, checking the deficiencies, and writing a comparative inspection summary. At the meeting, through the study of good political and ecological construction measures in Jiangxi Province, Party members and cadres also had a deeper understanding of the determination of the group and headquarters to resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case. General Xiao profoundly analyzed the reasons for the lack or even loss of party spirit of individual Party members behind the Surong case, emphasized the importance of Party branch construction and organizational life, made a rigorous check on individual thoughts and work, and put forward feasible suggestions on branch construction in light of the company’s actual situation. Subsequently, the Deputy Secretary of the Party branch, the organizing member and the propaganda member also made a comparative inspection speech in turn in accordance with their own work and ideological trends. The atmosphere of organizational life meeting is serious, honest and harmonious, which has played a very good role in warning education.

At the end of the meeting, General Xiao made a summary, calling on the majority of Party members and cadres to take this organizational life meeting as an opportunity to identify shortcomings, do a good job in rectification, give full play to the exemplary role of leading the company to a new height.