Report of the Special Organizational Life Meeting of the Import and Export Party Branch of Jiangxi Black Cat on “Resolutely, thoroughly and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case and continuously build a clean atmosphere and a health

2020-12-22 11:30 loading...

In order to thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on “resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the poisons of Surong and other corruption cases”, resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the remaining poisons of Surong case, and promote the construction of a clean and healthy political ecology, according to the theme “resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the remaining poisons of Surong case and continuously build a clean and healthy political ecology”, democratic life meeting and organizational life were held. On October 10, Jiangxi Black Cat Import and Export Party Branch organized a “resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the residual poisons of the Surong case and continue to build a clean atmosphere and a healthy political ecology” to organize a life meeting.

In order to organize this special life meeting well, Jiangxi Black Cat Party Branch deepened the work of studying, finding out problems, and compiling comparative inspection materials before the meeting, which laid a foundation for the special life meeting.

At the meeting, Secretary Xu, on behalf of Party members, took the lead in conducting a comparative inspection, and compared with the specific manifestations of the five aspects of residual poisons put forward by the Provincial Party Committee’s “Opinions on resolutely and thoroughly eliminating the residual poisons of the Surong case and continuously building a clean atmosphere and a healthy political ecology”, thoroughly searched for the existing problems and shortcomings, carefully analyzed the causes of the problems, and put forward effective rectification measures; subsequently, On the basis of conscientious self-criticism, they seriously criticized each other. In self-criticism and self-criticism, we dare to act hard, to expose shortcomings and ugliness, and to put ourselves, our thoughts and our work into it. It has played a “red face, sweating” effect and achieved the goal of “unity-criticism-unity”.

At last, Secretary Xu made a concluding speech. The theme of this special organizational life meeting was closely related to criticism and self-criticism. On the principle that things are not human, we all spoke sincerely, seriously, and democratically and realistically, achieving the goal of exchanging ideas, enhancing unity, defining direction and promoting rectification and reform. Next, we need to rectify our own problems, find out the reasons and rectify the symptoms, so that the meeting can achieve results.